
Recipes for every business problem

Explore 100+ pre-assembled automation recipes across all sorts of categories. Each recipe has nodes that solve specific business needs, from the complex to simple. Transform your business with just a few clicks.

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Subscription Billing Optimisation
Perfect your recurring billing cycles, minimising errors and ensuring a smooth experience for your customers, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.
Payment Gateway Failover
Implement an automatic switch to a secondary payment gateway if the primary one fails, reducing the risk of lost sales and ensuring a higher transaction success rate.
Notify Internal User About Failed Transactions
Instantaneously alert your team about any transaction failures, allowing for prompt action and maintaining a high standard of customer support.
Increase Auth Rates by Routing Failed Transactions
Optimise authorisation rates by intelligently rerouting failed transactions through an alternative payment processor, ensuring higher success rates.
Automatically Receive Weekly Payment Reports
Stay on top of your financials and make informed decisions with automated, detailed weekly reports on your payment activities.
Customer Health Scoring
Utilise a comprehensive scoring system to continually assess customer engagement and satisfaction, pinpointing areas for proactive outreach and support.
Post-Transaction Customer Engagement
Implement automated follow-up emails after each transaction to gather feedback, provide additional resources, or offer related products, enhancing customer engagement.
Automated Account Reconciliation
Streamline your financial close process by automating the reconciliation of transactions in your accounting software, ensuring accuracy and saving time.
Dunning Management for Failed Subscription Payments
Implement an automated process to handle failed subscription payments, sending reminders and attempting to recapture revenue, reducing involuntary churn.
Usage-Based Billing for SaaS
For services that offer tiered pricing based on usage, automate the tracking and billing process, ensuring customers are accurately billed and informed of their usage.